Making a Complaint

Ark Housing aims to deliver quality services. However, sometimes things can go wrong and we may not deliver services to the expected standards.

If a person, including tenants, service users, and third-party stakeholders are dissatisfied with any aspect of our services, they have the right to make a complaint.

Our Complaints Policy has been developed around the Principles of Good Complaint Handling, as published by the Ombudsman and referred to as best practice by the Northern Ireland Public Sector Ombudsman’s Office.

Where a complaint has been received, we will aim to get it right. We will be customer focused in our decision-making and approach. We will be open and accountable. We will act fairly and proportionately. Through this policy, we will aim to put things right and we will seek to learn from our mistakes.

Read More in Our Complaints Leaflet

Visit the Public Services Ombudsman Website