Housing for All

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We want to help make Northern Ireland a more shared place. We are committed to creating neighbourhoods that are safe and welcoming for all and have a lasting positive impact on peoples' lives.

We see housing as an important route to a shared society in Northern Ireland and want to build places where people can choose to live, learn, work and socialise alongside neighbours from many different backgrounds and traditions, free from prejudice.

Our shared schemes are supported by the Department for Communities and the Northern Ireland Executive’s “Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme.  The programme has its origins in the NI Executive Together: Building a United Community Strategy which reflects the Executive’s commitment to improving community relations and continuing the journey towards a more united and shared society.

With around 78% of people in Northern Ireland saying they would like to live in a mixed area (Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2017), we want to build more shared neighbourhoods.  The Association has made a commitment to deliver at least 4 additional 'Housing for All' schemes, in addition to our current scheme in Newcastle, and we are developing new shared developments in Armagh, Lisburn, Belfast and Newtownards.

Check out our Housing for All Schemes:

Ogle Street, Armagh

Causeway Road, Newcastle

Malone Mews, Belfast

Frances Street, Newtownards

Quarry Heights, Newtownards

Hillborough Road, Lisburn

We deliver Good Relations Plans to the wider community surrounding our shared neighbourhoods to encourage a range of outcomes including health and wellbeing, education and training. For further information on shared housing schemes and activities, click on the following links:

Housing For All Programme Video

Department of Communities 'Shared Housing Programme'

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